
Continued softening expected in property catastrophe reinsurance

Traditional property catastrophe reinsurance program pricing is anticipated to continue softening during mid-year renewals, according to Aon Re Global analysis. Price reductions will be a higher priority for cedents, while terms and conditions are expected to improve, Aon Corporation notes in a release. But the underlying fundamentals that drove the softening of price and terms […]

By Canadian Underwriter | April 16, 2008

1 min read

Subprime “train wreck” could continue to 2010

The scale of the subprime crisis so far is having the equivalent impact on the insurance industry as a Category 5 hurricane hitting Miami, A.M. Best reports.For 2008 Q1, D&O and E&O claims and litigation linked to the subprime crisis are currently up 400% year-on-year, Greg Flood, president of Ironshore Insurance’s professional liability facility, IronPro, […]

By Canadian Underwriter | April 15, 2008

2 min read

U.S. tornado losses approaching those of hurricanes

Losses of US$1 billion and higher from single tornado events are becoming more frequent, approaching hurricane damage losses, A.M. Best warns in a special report.Already in 2008, insured losses from severe weather systems have surpassed US$1 billion about US$850 million stemming from the tornado outbreak in the U.S. mid-South on Feb. 5 and Feb. 6, […]

By Canadian Underwriter | April 11, 2008

2 min read

Researchers increase probability of U.S. major hurricane landfall

Researchers at Colorado State University are predicting an above-average probability of a major hurricane landfall in the United States in 2008.Philip Klotzbach and William Gray, researchers in the university’s department of atmospheric science, foresee a “well-above-average Atlantic basin tropical cyclone season” in their 2008 extended forecast.The team predicts 15 named storms in 2008, increasing from […]

By Canadian Underwriter | April 10, 2008

1 min read