
Restoration firms beware: Did clients authorize payment for your work?

A recent flood damage claim in B.C. speaks to the importance of getting in writing from clients exactly what restoration services have been authorized for payment, be it a repair or a full investigation into the cause of the water leak. Restoration services firm Paul Davis Greater Vancouver recently lost its challenge in the B.C. […]

By David Gambrill | June 15, 2021

3 min read

Estimator’s COVID dilemma: Photos of auto damage not enough, in-person visit not allowed

It’s an auto insurance estimator’s Catch-22. A B.C. small claims tribunal recently downplayed expert evidence based on photos taken in an auto collision shop because the estimator didn’t conduct an in-person inspection of the vehicle — even though pandemic lockdown rules didn’t allow in-person inspections. The Insurance Corporation of B.C. recently won a case against […]

By David Gambrill | June 11, 2021

3 min read

Where Canada sits with national low-cost residential flood insurance 

Six possible flood insurance models for homes at high risk of flood are about to go through an actuarial review, a federal government official suggests. The Task Force on Flood Insurance and Relocation is going to hand off those possible models to an actuarial sciences team that will study them this summer and fall, said […]

By Greg Meckbach | June 10, 2021

4 min read

Forget data: The case for going with your gut instinct

Data analysis may be held up as the gold standard for making sound business decisions. But a recent study suggests gut instinct — when backed up by simple decision aids — may actually be better in situations of high uncertainty. Examples of simple decision aids [referred to in the article as “heuristics”] could be tallying, […]

By David Gambrill | June 9, 2021

3 min read