
Summary judgement motion not considered a “mini-trial”: Ontario Superior Court

A motion for summary judgement to dismiss a liability case does not constitute a “mini-trial” and split a case so that it becomes a trial within a trial, the Ontario Superior Court ruled under the new Rules for Civil Procedure.In Wilson v Kennedy, a defendant, Garven Kennedy, filed a motion for summary judgement to dismiss […]

By Canadian Underwriter | June 21, 2010

2 min read

Banks shifting terrain, now promoting insurance on mobile devices: IBAC

Having secured Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s commitment to prevent banks from selling unauthorized insurance on their Web sites, the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC) is concerned that banks have already responded by trying to promote insurance on consumer’s cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs).IBAC is currently awaiting draft regulations that would prohibit banks […]

By Canadian Underwriter | June 18, 2010

2 min read

A finding of fraud not needed to determine claimant was not involved in an accident: FSCO

A claimant does not have to be found to have engaged in fraud in order for a Financial Services Commission (FSCO) arbitrator to determine that the claimant lied about being in an automobile accident.In Azimi v Economical Mutual Insurance Company, Ashkan Azimi claimed he was injured in a car accident and applied for statutory accident […]

By Canadian Underwriter | June 18, 2010

2 min read

Auto injuries pending surgery still count against catastrophic impairment rating: FSCO

Auto injuries pending surgery – and which are therefore not “stable” – still count for the purpose of determining catastrophic impairments, according to a Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) arbitrator.In Sonia Bains and RBC General Insurance Company, Bains sought to appeal an initial finding by a FSCO arbitrator that the auto injuries she suffered […]

By Canadian Underwriter | June 16, 2010

2 min read