Katharine Baker

Winnipeg Incident Highlights Insurance Issues When Water Mains Break

Millions of first-time homeowners across Canada have what they may think is the right kind of home insurance coverage, but they may occasionally face incidents which challenge those beliefs. The fact of the matter is that many people have coverage gaps when it comes to things for which they might be at risk. As a […]

By Katharine Baker | April 11, 2016

4 min read

Construction Firms Must Consider Premises Pollution in Insurance Needs

Across Canada, there are many construction firms of various sizes who may deal with issues from time to time related to pollution. This kind of potential problem is often something that can be rectified, but it may cost a lot of money to do it, and for this reason having the right insurance to help […]

By Katharine Baker | April 8, 2016

3 min read

New Business Owners Should Consider Insurance Needs Early

Seasoned small business owners across Canada likely know full well the value of continually monitoring their insurance situations to ensure that the policies they control are keeping up with their actual needs. However, those who are just starting out in their entrepreneurship may not know the importance of doing so, and unfortunately it’s a lesson […]

By Katharine Baker | April 7, 2016

3 min read

Clean Up Contractors Are Better Off Being Safe Than Sorry

Each year, plenty of contractors all across Canada take on jobs both large and small, and some of them may come with some amount of environmental risk. Those companies that have been in operation for a long time may know quite well that it can be particularly important to have the right insurance coverage that […]

By Katharine Baker | April 6, 2016

3 min read

Study Finds Lack of Fire Protection for First Nation Reserves

Studies often show that consumers may not have as much home insurance coverage as they may need, or that they think they have more than they actually do. Some, though, also have difficulty protecting their homes from fire damage for other reasons. This may be true to different extents across Canada, but one issue that […]

By Katharine Baker | April 6, 2016

4 min read