Message From the President (April 01, 2009)

March 31, 2009 | Last updated on October 1, 2024
3 min read

What a winter this has been from many aspects. So much snow to shovel, so much news to digest and so many economic concerns over the past several months. Well, spring has sprung and I am sure we are all ready for a little sunshine, warmer weather and most importantly the emergence of the sports cars!

Your executive remains hard at work on several significant initiatives, one of which includes conducting market research to gain objective feedback from our membership and industry stakeholders regarding the association’s role, strategic initiatives, structure, services and expectations — in order that we are better equipped to identify industry trends, unmet needs within the industry, and opportunities for association growth and development. This undertaking is important for the association as we continue to reassess where we are and where we want to be. The process will include the assistance of a consultant to help facilitate the exercise. CIAA will publish research findings back to the stakeholders and I encourage all members and stakeholders to participate when called upon.

I was extremely pleased to attend the 5th Annual “Sugar Shack” in Montral. Many thanks and sincere congratulations to AESIQ, our affiliate association in Qubec, for hosting another tremendous event, with a record attendance in excess of 280 industry colleagues. Traditionally, spring is the busiest traveling time for the National President and I am very much looking forward to attending our regional events across the country. I will be in Vancouver in late April attending their annual CIAA/CICMA Joint Conference. CIAA Pacific Region has partnered with the Insurance Institute this year in presenting a seminar later that same day, providing members with a great opportunity to gain their continuing education credits. In early May, I will join our Western Region executive at the CIAA booth, promoting the Association and our members at the Alberta Broker’s Conference Tradeshow in Jasper. I also look forward to representing CIAA and discussing matters of mutual interest and concern with our U. S. colleagues at the National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters’ annual conference.

CIAA’s journal and claims manual are considered the most influential insurance claims publications in the country. Since the release of the 2009 CIAA Claims Manual in early February, national office has been inundated with requests for additional copies. I think it is important to share the following comments from claims managers across the country with our valued members, who through their support, help make these types of ventures possible.

“I can tell you on behalf of my coworkers and myself that we just love the manual — we keep one on our desk at all times for contact information regarding independent adjusting firms both within our own territory and beyond. Plus there is a ton of useful information.

“We really appreciated receiving those extra copies of the CIAA manuals. It is packed full of great information. We decided to send some overseas and keep some for ourselves. We have since ordered two supplies of these manuals from you. I must tell you that the response to your manual has been terrific, especially from our offices in the U. K. The information is very useful”.

“We think your claims manual is excellent. It is a great resource book. Thanks for the effort in publishing it for us on a yearly basis”. “This is a useful guide for locating adjusting firms available in Canada for us to use”.

“Thank you for the copy of the claims manual. This book serves as a good reference for learning material for training adjusters, especially new ones and the guiding principles is great for new and old to help adjust claims. The book is a handy reference for limitations. It serves as a quick guide to adjusting firms across Canada where we write business. It is one more tool used to help our company serve the public better.”

I have always believed business, like life, is a reciprocal arrangement. You have to give something back in order to make things move ahead. Congratulations CIAA members — the industry appreciates your professionalism! •