Message From the President (February 01, 2009)

January 31, 2009 | Last updated on October 1, 2024
3 min read

The collective efforts in organizing the tremendous events held in Toronto in early February benefited all who were in attendance and the organizations responsible are to be commended.

The many volunteers who so selflessly give of their time, exemplify the spirit of service and recognize there is nothing so rewarding as “giving back.” Any organization’s success depends on this sense of duty and we are fortunate to have the willingness of many providing for a brighter future for our industry.

The week kicked off with CIAA/ACEI’S Mid-Year Meeting on Feb. 2, which was well attended and discussions were meaningful. It was a highlight having two esteemed members join the ranks of “elite adjuster” by being honoured with their CLA accreditation. Following the loss of a big portion of our membership in September, it is encouraging to note that with the acquisition of several new member firms and an increased number of adjusters with our current member firms, CIAA’s representation has virtually returned to where we were at this time last year. Reports from our AESIQ affiliate indicate the same trend. Following a 40 per cent loss in membership their numbers have been gradually increasing back to where they were through conscientious recruitment efforts. We remain optimistic and are constantly committed to growing our membership.

CICMA/CIAA Ontario Chapters’ Annual Joint Conference on Feb. 3 provided an informative and inspirational seminar and networking opportunity. The two organizations are to be commended for consistently putting on a top-notch program for the p&c community. Six students from three local schools were very appreciative for the opportunity to attend as guests of the CIAA and CICMA. I look forward to attending similar conferences in the Pacific, Western and Atlantic Regions later this year. I congratulate all Joint Conference Regional Executive members for continuing to keep this vital rapport between the two groups dynamic.

On Wednesday morning, the Canadian Defence Lawyers hosted an engaging breakfast meeting with members of CIAA and CICMA in attendance. The OIAA Claims 2009 Conference provided an array of professional development opportunities as well as over 150 exhibitors on the tradeshow floor. CIAA’s booth manned by Pat Battle and Mina Cerulli, as well as members of the executive, on and off throughout the day was busy with some good general interest in CIAA. The much sought after CIAA Claims Manual was a hot item, again demonstrating the recognition and value of this resource.

CIAA’s 2008/2009 Regional Executive and National Committee members continue advancing the goals of the Association and are working diligently in achieving successful outcomes. Promotion of the independent adjusting profession to brokers and insurers through participation at industry events, establishment of harmonized licensing levels and comparable continuing education requirements for more seamless licensing of independents, development of creative career recruitment initiatives and establishment of guidelines for handling Emergency Measures Organization’s style claims for those regions not currently in a working relationship with their provincial EMO are examples of the valuable work being done.

Membership and participation is the heart and soul of an association and I sincerely thank all of our members for their dedication and professionalism, who through their support “lead by example” for the benefit of all in the adjusting fraternity.