Message From The President (June 01, 2010)

May 31, 2010 | Last updated on October 1, 2024
3 min read

I’m writing this message on Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day will be right around the corner when this issue of Claims Canada hits the streets. I’m blessed and lucky to have two beautiful, intelligent and successful daughters who always spoil me on Mother’s Day, plus I get to spoil my eighty-eight year old Mom! For me Mother’s Day is also a time of reflection; as a working Mom for over three decades I’ve rushed between dance classes, field hockey, soccer, Guides, Institute classes, catching planes, volunteer commitments, plus visioning and leading my corporate team. Through the swirl of activities, I’ve been fortunate to have a very supportive husband and an excellent management team who have also supported me.

Giving back to one’s community and industry is very gratifying. It brings meaning to our everyday lives. When I started in the insurance industry my father instilled in me the importance of volunteerism, for which I remain very appreciative. Giving back to help develop, improve and support the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association for me is an opportunity to invest in our industry and to commit to the profession of independent adjusting. Giving back to our profession of independent adjusting through the CIAA is a way to collectively promote our profession and ensure it remains relevant.

Our career recruitment planning national executive chair, Wendy Fralick, is working very hard with her committee to develop strategies and action plans to attract employees to fill upcoming vacancies specifically in the field of independent adjusting. She is partnering with the Insurance Institute of Canada to gather ambassadors to work with high schools across Canada. Encouraging the next generation of claims professionals in the field of independent adjusting is a great opportunity to give back.

I’m receiving very positive feedback from the membership across Canada regarding our proposed strategic plan. The executive feels confident that the direction we are moving in is the right one. The regional associations continue to update local members, so if you have yet to see a presentation, please contact your president to find out when and how you can learn more. All CLA holders were recently notified of the proposed changes. I received two terrific letters from CLA recipients who wholeheartedly endorsed the direction. Other great strides forward include a ton of updates to our website and another upcoming webinar on the HST.

My travels in the last month included a trip to Winnipeg for the CICMA Educational Day and Manitoba CIAA meeting, and closer to home the Pacific Regional CIAA /CICMA Joint Luncheon and CIAA Educational Program. I also travelled to San Antonio, Texas to speak at the PCS Catastrophe Conference to present the Canadian cat perspective to an engaged group of US cat professionals, which was very interesting.

We have an excellent conference planned in Victoria from August 26 to 29. Join us for everything from whale watching to some very creative professional education opportunities — after all it is beautiful British Columbia, and you can’t help but have a great time!

The strength of any not-for-profit organization is found in the wealth of its volunteers. Organizations are measured by the commitment and strength of their volunteers to not only move association issues forward, but to celebrate the successes and have fun. Think about joining as a member and come out to support your local CIAA; it will make a difference. As George Foreman said, “be afraid to stay the same.” •