
Market discipline critical, OSFI tells insurance industry

Property and casualty companies enjoyed 20% or more returns on equity in 2006, but even a minor change in the economic environment can lower these numbers, Canadas acting financial superintendent told attendees of the 2007 Property and Casualty Insurance Industry Forum in Cambridge, Ontario. Julie Dickson, acting superintendent of the Office of the Superintendent of […]

By Canadian Underwriter | May 28, 2007

1 min read

OSFI in 2007 preparing for fair value accounting, pandemics

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) in 2007 is preparing to move to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).[OSFI] will soon begin to determine the implications for Canadian financial institutions and supervisors, Julie Dickson, OSFIs acting superintendent, told the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on May 27, 2007.This will include developing […]

By Canadian Underwriter | May 28, 2007

1 min read

Swiss Re promotes risk analysis in light of EU “polluter-pays” legislation

New, polluter-pay environmental legislation in the European Union is based on a new liability regime under public law and will create unprecedented loss complexes for which claims experience is not yet available, according to a recent report by Swiss Re.It is important for the insurance industry to assess the exposure inherent in these new scenarios.The […]

By Canadian Underwriter | May 25, 2007

2 min read

Sharing risk knowledge a key to sustainable insurance: UN report

Sharing risk knowledge, forming public-private partnerships, using information technology and partnering for distribution and consumer education are all means insurers can use to implement a campaign of proactive engagement in sustainable insurance, according to a report released by the Insurance Working Group of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. A robust insurance industry provides […]

By Canadian Underwriter | May 25, 2007

1 min read