
A Civil Alternative to Fraud Deterrence

Insurance companies in search of restitution and punitive damage awards are being forced to pursue civil litigation due to the relatively lenient criminal sentences given to perpetrators of organized fraud. While some government-run auto insurers have been successful in civil actions, the jury is still out on whether private sector companies can band together to fight fraud on a different front. A new civil recovery project from the Insurance Bureau of Canada hopes to tilt the scales.

By Craig Harris | August 31, 2005

8 min read

Swiss Re estimates its Hurricane Katrina claims to be in the range of US $500 million

Swiss Re announced today that based on its preliminary estimate, it expects its claims related to Hurricane Katrina to be in the range USD 500 million (CHF 625 million) before tax. Swiss Re expects Hurricane Katrina to cost the insurance industry in the region of USD 20 billion, making it the most costly hurricane after […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 31, 2005

2 min read

Lloyds anticipates significant claims post Katrina

In a statement on the impact of Hurricane Katrina, the Lloyds of London market issued a statement outlining the likelyhood of serious claims in the aftermath of the catastrophe.”Lloyd’s expects to receive significant insurance claims as a result of Hurricane Katrina, predominantly in relation to offshore energy installations in the Gulf, property damage and business […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 31, 2005

1 min read

Katrina moves onto southern Ontario

The remnants of Hurricane Katrina recently fell on Southern Ontario just as Environment Canada forecaster Geoff Coulson predicted.Damage resulting from Katrina’s Ontario presence is likely to be restricted to potential for tree damage and localized power outages in the western Lake Ontario area near Oakville and Hamilton and winds will likely reach 70 km an […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 31, 2005

1 min read