
ICLR publishes studies on windstorm, earthquake risk

The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) this month published research studies on both windstorm and earthquake events.The first study, by Alan Davenport, looks at the relationship between quake magnitude, epicentral distance and shock amplitude. The study assesses the application on this relationship to seismic zoning (seismic zones being areas of earthquake activity likely sharing […]

By Canadian Underwriter | April 1, 2004

1 min read

80% of U.S. commercial brokers want TRIA renewed

With the 2005 sunset deadline for the U.S. federal government terrorism backstop fast approaching, commercial brokers are urging legislators to extend the program.In a survey of its members, the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers (CIAB) found 80% want to see an extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) past December 31, 2005. The […]

By Canadian Underwriter | March 31, 2004

2 min read

IKEA Ruffles Insurance Feathers

Canadian brokers have added their own voice to broad insurance industry disapproval of an IKEA television ad recently aired which many believe promotes insurance fraud. In a letter to Advertising Standards Canada, Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC) CEO Dan Danyluk makes formal complaint against the commercial, which appeared on CFTO on March 10. As […]

March 31, 2004

1 min read

Global forum shopping target of new group

A group of U.S. businesses are joining together under the mantle of the Chamber of Commerce to fight against global forum shopping.The practice, whereby plaintiffs seek to find any possible link to allow a case to be tried in a “plaintiff friendly” jurisdiction, is leading to foreign cases being tried in U.S. courts, says the […]

By Canadian Underwriter | March 29, 2004

2 min read