
Claims (September 01, 2010)

ALBERTA SETS RECORD WITH $400-MILLION HAILSTORM Alberta’s July 12 hailstorm caused a record-setting $400 million in insured damages, the Insurance Bureau of Canada reports, citing data from PCS-Canada. The amount establishes a new record for insured hailstorm damage in Canada. The previous record was set in Calgary in 1991, when a 30-minute storm generated roughly […]

August 31, 2010

2 min read

Claiming ‘Cool’

What does it take to be 'cool?' If you know your audience and can connect with them using a simple, direct and supercharged message, you have the makings of a 'viral' industry ad campaign.

June 30, 2010

3 min read

On Taxes and Timing

Canada's P&C industry has a legitimate tax beef, but it is a difficult time to raise it with cash-strapped governments looking for ways to bring in more revenue.

May 31, 2010

3 min read

Commercial Data Re-think

Technology has been a mixed blessing for commercial lines brokers. Perhaps it's time to look at what works right now.

May 31, 2010

5 min read