
Punitive Damages and the “Runaway Jury”

Robert Frost once suggested that, "a jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer". While there is an element of truth to this, insurers have long had faith in juries for their common sense and prudent approach to assessing damages. This perspective, however, was recently put "to the test" when a jury awarded an unprecedented $2.5 million in damages against an insurance company.

August 31, 2003

7 min read

Kansas pegs 2003 storm losses at US$256 million

The state of Kansas says 2003 has been a difficult year for insurers who have already paid out US$256 million for storm losses between April and July.”The storm season extended well beyond spring this yearand we’ve exceeded the amount of damage reported in all of 2002,” says Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger. “In July, the estimate […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 26, 2003

1 min read

Newfoundland auto insurance plan includes optional coverage and rate freeze

New changes to Newfoundland’s auto insurance system announced today include optional coverage for minor pain and suffering, and a rate freeze.Following on the heels of other Atlantic provinces introducing changes to tackle rising auto insurance rates, Newfoundland has released a reform package that includes a 12-month freeze on rates.The package would also mean that the […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 26, 2003

2 min read

Louisiana insurers to pay US$22 million for Tropical Storm Bill

The price tag for insurers in Louisiana as a result of Tropical Storm Bill is estimated at US$22 million, says the state’s Department of Insurance (LDOI).Insurance commissioner Robert Wooley says the latest figure includes claims under the federal flood insurance program. Not counting those claims, the figures is about US$19.5 million in insured losses.Tropical Storm […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 20, 2003

1 min read