How can I best support customers through the claims process during a CAT?

May 16, 2024 | Last updated on October 2, 2024
4 min read

With frequent extreme weather events now an expected part of our lives, we’re prepared for 2024 to be another CAT-heavy year. As we mobilize our claims teams, we must also recognize that customers, no matter how many risk mitigation actions they may implement beforehand, are never truly prepared for the stress extreme weather losses bring.

How can they be? In addition to the damage or loss of their home and most precious things, they’re often dealing with the stress of evacuation and dislocation, potential loss of income, interruption of business operations and a total disruption of life’s routines.

Brokers often find themselves effectively being first respondents in these situations – and the advocates who help insurers identify and support the most vulnerable customers in CAT scenarios. Here are seven practical things you can do to help all customers navigate the claims process after an extreme weather event.

Before the CAT: Prepare!

(1) Encourage customers to have an emergency plan.

Evacuating as a wildfire or hurricane approaches will never be easy. But having a plan in place makes it easier. Make it a routine part of your touchpoints with customers to ask if they have an emergency plan. And if they don’t, point them to resources – such as those developed by the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation – that help them create one.

A good emergency plan should include an escape route and an evacuation kit, as well as off-site access to insurance information. Check that your customers have their policy information and your contact details handy. With a tool like the Intact Insurance App or Client Centre, they’ll always have it at their fingertips.

(2) Check their coverage.

Underinsurance is still a concern in Canada. Both when binding new business and at renewal, talk customers through their policy and what’s covered – and not – in the event of a fire, flood or other weather event.

During the CAT: Connect!

(3) Connect them to resources.

When an extreme weather event hits, provincial and federal government relief programs are often available immediately and insurers like Intact will have boots on the ground to help connect customers to supports. Keep on eye on announcements from carriers and governments and reshare them with customers. During a catastrophic event, overcommunication is a good thing!

(4) Remind customers to keep receipts.

At Intact, we strive to get funds into customers’ hands as quickly as possible. Mass evacuation coverage reimburses customers for up to 30 days of reasonable living expenses, such as accommodation, food, clothing, travel and other necessities (including expenses related to pets). Remind customers to keep their receipts so that they can recoup their expenses.

(5) Monitor communications from insurers.

Our purpose is to get your customers back on track as quickly as possible. During a CAT, we send brokers regular updates on what we’re doing where, including what we’re doing to address the high volume of claims that extreme weather events bring. Stay on top of our communications so that you’re ready for customer questions. As their trusted advisor, you’re likely to be the first person they call.

(6) Remind customers to take photographs.

Documentation and photographs make processing property claims smoother. Remind customers to make lists and take photographs of their damaged property. If they’re insured with Intact and use the Intact Insurance App or Client Centre, they can upload these photos directly to us through these tools.

After the CAT: Follow up!

(7) Check in with your customers.

At Intact, our goal is to get customers back on track as quickly as possible. The large influx of claims that follows an extreme weather event may slow things down, even when an insurer is all-hands on deck across the country supporting the affected region.

During both CAT and ordinary claims, we’re focused on giving customers better line of sight on the status of their claims, with proactive communication from adjusters on complex files to ensure customers know what’s coming and what they need to do next.

But claims are high-stress situations! Customers – especially the elderly, isolated and otherwise vulnerable customers – appreciate additional touchpoints from you, especially if you’re able to give them a practical overview of the overall claims process.

We know we have to expect the unexpected. We also know that no matter how well-prepared we are, CATs – and even ordinary claims – are a very stressful time for customers. By working together to make sure customers are prepared, reassured and connected, we can make the experience easier.


Resources for brokers

Exclusive to Intact brokers, these Pathways courses are designed to help you better support customers through claims, CATs and climate impacts:

  • Intact Claims Experience – Discover how Intact works with you throughout the claims process to enhance the customer experience (1-hour eLearning – take anytime!)
  • Enhanced Water Damage Package – Explore the different water coverage options available to your customers (1-hour eLearning – take anytime!)
  • Market Trends in Climate Changes – Dive into how current trends impact the commercial insurance industry and what you can do to help customers remain resilience (Next 1-hour instructor-led session on May 6)

Resources for customers

Before the floor, fire or other extreme even disaster, connect your customers with these practical resources from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation:



Extreme Heat
