
B.C. eases requirements, extends deadline for small business recovery grants

VICTORIA – The B.C. government has eased the eligibility requirements and extended the deadline for small and medium-sized businesses applying for funds under its $345-million pandemic recovery grant program.   Businesses with up to 149 employees must now show a 30 per cent drop in revenue in any one month between March 2020 and the time […]

By Jason Contant | March 5, 2021

3 min read

Health Canada says vaccine boosters will be approved more easily

OTTAWA — Health Canada says it won’t require new clinical trial data from vaccine makers on booster shots being developed to target new variants of COVID-19. Instead, the regulator will rely more heavily on lab tests on blood samples, which can show how many antibodies develop following vaccination. Those antibodies are a good indicator of […]

By Adam Malik | March 4, 2021

3 min read

6 principles for P&C leaders on return to office work

Leaders in the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry should resist the following two urges: 1) making a hasty decision to return to work; and 2) mimicking high-profile companies that quickly announce plans to embrace remote work permanently. These are two key takeaways in the recent Harvard Business Review blog, A CEO’s Guide to Planning […]

By Jason Contant | March 4, 2021

4 min read

Is it time to ease up on the video calls?

New research shows the influx of video calls brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is tiring people out. “Zoom” has become a verb to describe videoconference meetings, said professor Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab. Brokers unable to meet with clients in person have turned to “zooming” with them instead. […]

By Adam Malik | March 4, 2021

3 min read