Consumers are increasingly willing to share their personal information with their insurers as long as it will help them prevent injury and loss, according to a recent consumer research conducted by Accenture. The caveat here is that consumers don’t trust insurers with their personal data as much as they used to, Accenture states in its […]
By David Gambrill | January 26, 2021
3 min read
While many embrace the greater workplace flexibility ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic, employees may be missing out on mentoring opportunities for career development, P&C leaders say. For example, mentoring is made more difficult when brokers can’t turn around in their office chairs and ask colleagues for advice or brainstorm ideas on how to navigate […]
By Adam Malik | January 26, 2021
OTTAWA – Companies that want in on a new federal loan program will have to show sharp revenue declines during the pandemic and that they have already applied for other business aid. The new loans, from the Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP), will open for applications on Monday and is on top of […]
By Jason Contant | January 26, 2021
2 min read
Pressure on insurers to provide sustainable results, brokers expanding their service offerings and the growing gap between big and small are just some of the trends the P&C insurance industry will face this year that will give leaders plenty to think about, predicts by an industry expert. In his annual presentation looking at the top […]
By Adam Malik | January 25, 2021
A decision to waive vision tests and other screening typically required to renew driver’s licences for Ontarians aged 80 and older during the pandemic has some in the medical community raising concerns about the risks the move poses to those on the road. Residents aged 80 and older need to renew their licence every two […]
By Jason Contant | January 25, 2021
4 min read
With the arrival in Canada of vaccines for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it’s now possible for the country’s property and casualty insurance industry to conceive of a post-COVID world. What will the Canadian P&C industry look like after September 2021? (This is the timeline that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has set for administering COVID vaccines to […]
By David Gambrill | January 22, 2021
This could be the year telematics driving data actually provides meaningful information — and change — to insurers and drivers alike, allowing risk to be underwritten more accurately, experts predict. To pull that off, smartphones will be a critical tool despite their drawbacks. Clients’ driving data has been available in some form for a number […]
By Adam Malik | January 22, 2021
TORONTO – More than 200,000 Canadian businesses could close permanently during the COVID-19 crisis, throwing millions of people out of work as the resurgence of the virus worsens across much of the country, according to new research. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business said Thursday one in six or about 181,000 Canadian small business owners […]
By Jason Contant | January 22, 2021
Guaranteed Asset Protection is one way for automotive dealers to make money from consumers who make large down payments on their new vehicles, an automotive columnist suggests. GAP insurance is intended to protect consumers who borrow money to buy their vehicles. Specifically, GAP helps protect motorists from quick depreciation of newly-purchased vehicles and the method […]
By Greg Meckbach | January 21, 2021
Many property and casualty insurance professionals are not missing driving into the office every day after shifting to working from home for the last 10 months. However, a pair of researchers are saying the daily commute does provide valuable benefits to employees. When asked about satisfaction about working from home and feelings about returning to […]
By Adam Malik | January 21, 2021
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