
Opinion: Here’s how to set up future BI pandemic coverage

If the property and casualty insurance industry wants to avoid future entanglements around business interruption insurance, as seen during the coronavirus pandemic, then a robust public-private partnership (P3) might provide a solution. COVID-19 has highlighted the issue of how to finance catastrophic losses. The pandemic will generate insured losses of US$107 billion for the global […]

By Adam Malik | June 12, 2020

4 min read

One cheap way for cities to reduce basement flood risk

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation is encouraging Canadian municipalities to follow the example of Nova Scotia municipalities that are distributing basement flood prevention tips to property owners with their tax bill. Starting Friday June 12, both the town and county of Antigonish will be sending a one-page infograph – with 15 basement flood risk […]

By Greg Meckbach | June 11, 2020

2 min read

Road tests for certain types of driver licenses set to resume in B.C

VANCOUVER – The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia is resuming on-road testing for commercial licences but drivers waiting for passenger vehicle tests must hold on a little longer. In line with B.C.’s COVID-19 restart plan, the corporation says commercial road tests resume next week and appointments can be booked starting Thursday. The tests are for […]

By Greg Meckbach | June 10, 2020

2 min read

How the lack of cyber caselaw worked against an insurer in a $75-million data breach lawsuit

The lack of cyber case law worked against an insurer in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently, with the court deciding that The Co-operators has a duty to defend two parties named in a $75-million cyber breach class action lawsuit. The Co-operators had denied a duty to defend on the basis of data exclusions […]

By David Gambrill | June 9, 2020

4 min read