
How good are estimates of industry-wide insurance fraud?

Insurers really don’t know how much money fraud is costing them. “In Ontario, we have to rely on other jurisdictions to try and quantify it because we are so lousy at it,” said Gordon Rasbach, former vice president of property and claims fraud at Aviva Canada, during a recent panel discussion. “There is not that […]

By Greg Meckbach | September 20, 2019

3 min read

This is what’s putting the industry ‘at a tipping point’

Technology has been great for the insurance industry. But it’s also been creating problems, specifically creating a difficult market cycle. And it’s not the only reason why one panellist at the recent RIMS Canada Conference said the industry is “at a tipping point.” There’s a lack of capital in the market and commodity pricing has […]

By Adam Malik | September 20, 2019

3 min read

New president at Insurance Brokers Association of Canada

Kent Rowe is now the president of the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada. Rowe, a former president of the Insurance Brokers Association of Newfoundland, was inducted into his new role after IBAC’s annual general meeting Thursday. By day, Rowe works in St. John’s as vice president of commercial lines for Wedgwood Insurance, which also has […]

By Greg Meckbach | September 20, 2019

1 min read

Province assumes liability for removal of crane toppled by hurricane

HALIFAX – The Nova Scotia government has declared a localized state of emergency in part of downtown Halifax in order to speed up removal of a construction crane blown down during post-tropical storm Dorian. Labour Minister Labi Kousoulis said Wednesday the step shifts the liability for potential damage during the crane’s removal to the province. […]

By Greg Meckbach | September 19, 2019

2 min read