Insurers need to re-evaluate pricing in energy sector

By Canadian Underwriter | November 23, 2007 | Last updated on October 2, 2024
1 min read

The booming energy sector, along with the hot oil and gas construction industry, can have a serious impact on replacement costs and business interruption coverages so insurers need to ensure exposures are adequately priced, warns a Swiss Re report.In its latest Focus report: Energy construction boom a paradigm shift for insurers, Swiss Re suggests that insurers maintain valuations reflecting current replacement costs. Instead of solely relying on past cost increases, other cost drivers that are plant-specific and include regional variations should play an important role in determining repair and rebuilding costs, the report says.For business interruption, the estimated maximum loss should be based on the latest values, margins and oil price to ensure that loss limits are adequate, it continues.Indemnity periods should be examined in light of current delivery times for process plants and major equipment items, it adds.The growing gap between coverage and exposure poses a significant threat to the energy industry, which may find itself underinsured in the event of a major incident or an extended business interruption, the report says.At the same time, insurers are not receiving an adequate premium to cover the increasing sums at risk.

Canadian Underwriter