
Mind the Gap

Insurance to value (ITV) data problems are now widely known in the insurance industry, but new technology services want to fill the void left by undervaluation. The goal of these "data validation" tools is to shrink the gap between valuations and premiums, by giving brokers easily accessible information at the point of sale and comparing building calculations to actual losses. Many brokers are on board, but the bigger question may be: are insurance companies interested?

January 31, 2010

13 min read

A Paperless Phase

In an effort to go paperless, Gore Mutual took a phased approach to delivering a new document generation project.

January 31, 2010

3 min read

Risk-Based Underwriting

Insurance companies today are grappling with changing and emerging perils, and their underwriting approach in homeowners’ lines is changing accordingly. As water damage becomes the pre-eminent peril facing homeowners (replacing fire as the Number 1 source of insurers’ claims payouts in homeowners’ lines), brokers and consumers can expect to hear a lot more about a […]

January 31, 2010

6 min read

Online Travel

A new online quoting tool is designed to help brokers offer clients travel insurance without any additional cost or E&O exposure.

January 31, 2010

4 min read