
The Human Element

Web portals have simplified brokers' lives when it comes to communicating data to carriers. But have they minimized the chances of making errors during the data-entry phase? More importantly, have they over-commoditized the product, separating the client from the broker's advice?

January 31, 2008

7 min read

Two Sides of Same Coin

Underwriting does not simply equate to policy administration, and so it's not safe to assume that systems supporting underwriting activity are the same as those that support policy administration

January 31, 2008

6 min read

Reaching Maturity

Commercial brokers' data communications with carriers are poised to reach the next level: a two-way data exchange -- that is, both uploading and downloading capability -- between commercial brokers and carriers

January 31, 2008

6 min read

Enhancing Auto Statistics

IBC's introduction of new tech for the collection of auto insurance data will have a number of other, ancillary benefits

January 31, 2008

3 min read