
Best Defence is a Good Offence (June 01, 2007)

Revenues are down, markets are soft and more effort is required to keep your customers. What's your game plan?

May 31, 2007

4 min read

Future Planning

CIP symposium speakers provide tips on planning for recruitment and potential catastrophes

May 31, 2007

7 min read

Whose Data Is It, Anyways?

Insurance brokers have a wealth of client information stored across their operations -- in their own broker management systems,on their Web sites and within reports from third-party vendors. But can they use that data effortlessly, and productively?

May 31, 2007

5 min read

Disentangling Disentangling System Conversions

Insurers shouldn't get tied up in knots over the different approaches for policy system conversion

May 31, 2007

5 min read