
Primary Insurer Strategies 2005: Cycle Management

From "bust to boom" is how many insurer CEOs regard the financial landscape of the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry over the past two years. And, with 2004 likely to be the peak year of profitability for the primary insurance sector, many insurer CEOs expect that the coming 12 months will see an overall weakening of the bottom-line as claims frequency and costs - particularly that of the auto product - begin to escalate after two years of a declining trend. Lost consumer confidence, and the negative political and media attention generated in the wake of the dramatic coverage price adjustments implemented by companies over the past two years, will likely remain a challenge in 2005, particularly in light of the controversy sparked by the Spitzer investigation into broker remuneration arrangements, predict insurer CEOs in CU's latest "primary insurer strategies" annual market review.

November 30, 2004

17 min read

BI Exposure on R&D

Risk managers employed by corporations which may have some involvement in research and development (R&D) activities could unknowingly face a significantly uninsured exposure on their business interruption (BI) coverages. Typically, R&D is regarded as an area of the business that supports the development of the company’s products or technology. BI losses in this regard are […]

November 30, 2004

4 min read

Moments in Time (December 01, 2004)

Each month of this special 70th anniversary year, Canadian Underwriter will look back at a pivotal period in the industry's history. These are the people, events and issues that have shaped Canadian Underwriter and the insurance industry for seven decades.

November 30, 2004

4 min read

Storms hit European reinsurers’ earnings, but not balancesheets: Benfield

The U.S. hurricanes and Japanese typhoons of the third quarter did deal a blow to the earnings of top European insurers, but balance sheets remained strong, according to the latest quarterly report by broker Benfield Group.In “Riders on the Storm”, Benfield notes that the combined losses of the top reinsurers – Converium, Hannover Re, Munich […]

By Canadian Underwriter | November 29, 2004

2 min read