
Oh No… It’s “D&O”

While price strengthening in the North American commercial insurance marketplace had been well underway before 9/11, the terrorist attacks served as a catalyst that rocketed proper coverage prices upward. It was perhaps an unfortunate coincidence that the financial troubles of Enron and Worldcom, and the subsequent corporate governance scandals and shareholder lawsuits that ensued from […]

February 28, 2003

4 min read

The D&O Shakeout

Shareholder activism, regulatory scrutiny and poor corporate governance practices have opened the floodgates to litigation against directors and officers in the post-Enron U.S. market. How much of this has spilled over to executive risk in Canada? A recently held D&O conference in Toronto looked to providing some direction for Canadian corporations.

February 28, 2003

8 min read

Risk Management: 2003 More Of The Same

The past year has been marked by sharply rising insurance rates, tightening terms of cover and scarce capacity across the various lines of commercial business. At a recent meeting of the Ontario Chapter of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (ORIMS), the speakers painted a dire outlook of the insurance environment facing risk managers in 2003.

February 28, 2003

5 min read

Risk Managers Sing the Hard Market Blues

Risk managers are suffering from a case of the blues. Premium hikes, vanishing capacity, tighter terms and increased expectations from insurers are creating havoc for risk professionals. As they descend on Chicago for this year's Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Conference, the air is filled with apprehension over when the bleeding will stop. Consensus is, while some price and capacity stabilization has occurred, by and large risk managers need to buckle in for a bumpy 2003.

February 28, 2003

11 min read