
Rise of the Drones

The property and casualty industry in Canada has some work to do to determine the complex liability and coverage issues that are likely to unfold with the anticipated increase in use of drones. Globally, however, Canada is leading the way in permitting commercial drone and mandating that insurance protection be purchased.

January 31, 2015

6 min read

Transformative Time

Talk of "claims transformation" in the property and casualty insurance industry is hardly new. Talk has already turned to action for some, businesses that have updated people, process and technology to answer the evolving and inevitable demands being fuelled by customer experience. However, is transformation now a business imperative to be relevant in the future?

December 31, 2014

17 min read

Electrical Potential

Lightning strikes somewhere in Canada more than two million times each and every year. While the frequency of homeowner claims for lightning-related damage is low, occasionally, these bolts from the blue cause large losses as a result of fire and electrical surge.

December 31, 2014

6 min read

Interrupted by Disease

An outbreak of a disease - such as Ebola, SARS, tuberculosis or measles - can put companies at risk of business interruption and lawsuits. Although property and business interruption policies generally have not covered such outbreaks, the Ebola epidemic in Africa has spurred some insurers to move forward with new coverage and others to retreat with specific related exclusions.

November 30, 2014

5 min read