
Safe Travels

The increasing trend of abductions of those working abroad may signify that some perpetrators view kidnap for ransom as an acceptable revenue generator. But Canadian businesses involved in international trade owe their employees a duty of care that demands risk be assessed and appropriate response be available.

April 30, 2014

6 min read

Moves and Views

1 Allied World Assurance Company Holdings AG has opened a branch office in Toronto and named Gord Kerr [1] as its senior vice president, chief agent and branch manager. Prior to joining Allied World, Kerr spent four years as chief executive officer and chief agent for Arch Insurance Company’s Canadian operations, notes Switzerland-based Allied World. […]

April 30, 2014

5 min read


CANADIAN MARKET Quindell, U.K. firm to partner on car offering Insurance technology firm Quindell has partnered with RAC, an auto services and insurance firm in the United Kingdom, to create a new business to distribute Quindell’s telematics technology. Including a £30-million investment split fairly equally between the firms, Connected Car Solutions Limited will market and […]

April 30, 2014

6 min read

Game On

Businesses looking to achieve long-term success need to keep their heads in the game. For brokers and insurers to both win, things must advance beyond creating effective interaction between systems to a common form of data exchange where information flows between multiple systems.

March 31, 2014

7 min read