IIBC – Virtual Symposium BC 2021: Change | Challenge | Create

April 16, 2021 | Last updated on September 10, 2024
5 min read

5 Webinars | 1 CE Credit/Webinar | F&B Voucher | Networking | Bonus National Webinar | Door Prizes

Expand your vision and spark your inspiration!

Virtual Symposium BC – Change | Challenge | Create, offers insightful webinars with influential speakers and captivating panelists. Engage in Q&A discussions, participate in interactive networking, and stay connected in the p&c community.

The year 2020 marks a critical point in history where the pandemic forced us to Change our lives – how we interact, how we work, and how we conduct business. The Canadian p&c industry rose to the Challenge and adapted swiftly to the pandemic environment. From leveraging digital tools to exploring market trends, join industry leaders nation-wide to navigate new paths and Create impactful solutions.


Times in PDT | 75 minute webinars | 1 CE credit/webinar

Day 1 – Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Session A      1:00 – 2:15 pm    Symposium BC Panel: Digital Driving Forces in Customer Experience
Session B      3:00 – 4:15 pm    Social Media Sleuthing

Day 2 – Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Session C     1:00 – 2:15 pm   The Future of BC’s Auto Insurance Market
Session D 3:00 – 4:15 pm    Internet of Things: Are you ready for what’s coming?

Day 3 – Thursday, May 6, 2021

Session E     3:00 – 4:15 pm   The Rise of MGAs
4:30 – 5:30 pm    Industry Networking & Scavenger Hunt



Day 1 – May 4 | Session A at 1:00 – 2:15 pm
Symposium BC Panel: Digital Driving Forces in Customer Experience
     Tina Osen, 
CAIB, President – HUB International Canada – MODERATOR
Jeff McCann, CEO, Founder – APOLLO
Dejan Mirkovic, CEO, Co-Founder – Goose Insurance Services
Ron Glozman, CEO, Founder – Chisel AI
On the heels of the Insurance Institute’s new research report exploring the implications of AI and big data, this session delves into how AI and big data are driving forces in the p&c insurance industry. There is excitement about the potential to better serve the risk management needs of consumers, improve the customer experience, and improve underwriting, claims processing and pricing. Join us for three presentations from key industry players, who are exploring the potential of AI and big data to change the way we do business and connect with our customers. The panel discussion will further explore risks and opportunities and the shift that is inevitable as the industry adopts a digital mindset.

Day 1 – May 4 | Session B at 3:00 – 4:15 pm
Social Media Sleuthing
     Amelia Martin, 
B.A., J.D., Lawyer – Dolden Wallace Folick LLP
Gavin Phillips, Regional Manager, Investigations – xPera
Many don’t realize when sharing personal data on various social media outlets (YouTube, Facebook, etc…) that a digital footprint is created that can be reviewed, tracked and investigated. As noted in the film The Social Network, “The Internet’s not written in pencil, it’s written in ink”. Learn the who, what, where, why, when and how of using social media and online evidence in claims and litigation. Examine how to procure, protect, preserve and present evidence gained from the internet and ethical considerations in using this evidence. Case studies will demonstrate the value of social media as an investigation tool in quantifying and settling bodily injury claims.

Day 2 – May 5 | Session C at 1:00 – 2:15 pm
The Future of BC’s Auto Insurance Market
     Colin Brown, 
M.A., BSc., CIP, C.Arb, President & CEO – Stratford Underwriting Agency
On May 1, 2021, BC motorists will be impacted by a significant change to their auto insurance coverages. What are all these changes to BC Auto? Why the change? What will this change do for BC drivers? Does this change help or hurt? Is there a potential for these changes to be reformed again or for them to change back? What challenges do we face in BC’s auto insurance market and in our industry? Join Colin Brown of Stratford Underwriting as he explores and answers these questions and more.

Day 2 – May 5 | Session D at 3:00 – 4:15 pm
Internet of Things: Are you ready for what’s coming?
     Glenn Gibson, 
ICD.D, CIP, FCLA, FCIAA, CFE, President & CEO – The GTG Group
Over 4.5 billion people in the world now access the ‘Internet of Things’ (IOT) on a daily basis. The Internet has become an integral part of our lives particularly in this past year. Where are we now in these areas – ownership of social media platforms; penetration of users on a variety of applications; the impact of cellular phones; usage of command centers; medical breakthroughs; robotics; the impact of CCTV cameras; drone technology; stingray technology; facial recognition; biometrics; crypto crimes; bitcoin; blockchain; ransomware…and the Dark Web? Prepare to open your mind to all that is rapidly changing! Gain insight on essentials skills required to adapt to our quickly changing world.

Day 3 – May 6 | Session E at 3:00 – 4:15 pm
The Rise of MGAs
     Cameron Copeland, 
MBA, CMA, CPA, FCIP, CRM, President – Cansure
Steve Masnyk, 
Managing Director –
 Canadian Association of Managing General Agents
Johann Schneider, 
President –
 i3 Underwriting Services
The Canadian insurance market has seen a substantial growth and shift towards Managing General Agencies (MGAs). The market is turning to MGAs for risk placement because they’re able to respond to risks in which others can’t – but how? Why are startups opting to use the MGA model? How are MGAs providing solutions by filling the gaps? Three innovative and captivating MGA leaders will share their views on the future of this sector as we witness the “Rise of MGAs”.


Day 3 – May 6 | 4:30 – 5:35 pm
“Wine” down at the end of Symposium BC! Network and connect with peers.
Join us for a scavenger hunt for prizes!

F&B VOUCHER – NEW this year!

A $25 Tim Horton’s e-voucher will be emailed to you by Monday, May 3. It will be sent to the primary email in your Insurance Institute profile.


Login testing sessions will be scheduled prior to the webinars to test your connection.
Phone assistance will be provided on webinar days to assist you with connectivity issues.


1 CE credit (BC) per webinar. 5 CE credits for attendance at all 5 webinars.


Include GST.  Insurance Institute membership required.
Full event registration includes 5 webinars, networking event, $25 f&b voucher, and door prizes.  

   Full Event – 5 Webinars      Individual Webinar
CIP Society Member $ 200 $ 59 / webinar
Insurance Institute Member $ 230 $ 69 / webinar
Corporate Group Rate
– max 8 attendees/group
– email attendee list to Winnie      
$ 1,000

CEP Forensic | Envista Forensics | Origin and Cause

Cansure | Mutual Fire Insurance of BC | Hagerty Canada | Winmar Property Restoration | BFL CANADA | BCIT

Winnie Hon, CIP, Seminars & Events Specialist
Insurance Institute of BC
whon@insuranceinstitute.ca  | T: 604.681.5491 x21