Insurance Analytics Canada Summit

March 20, 2017 | Last updated on September 10, 2024
1 min read

The 3rd Annual Insurance Analytics Canada Summit is the best place to gain new insights on how to transform the way your organization utilises analytics, including:

Smash Your Organizational Goals With Game-Changing Analytics: Match analytics programs with organizational goals to prove value and win executive support, deliver insights that drastically impact business outcomes and become a data-driven organization

Exploit Internal and External Data For More Valuable Insights: Get an edge on your competition with business-critical intelligence, by integrating disparate data from across the organization with big data and new data such as sensor, weather, social media and more

Build an Unshakable Technology Foundation: Make excellence possible with a flexible, scalable and secure technology framework that enables best practice analytics both now and in the future, including data visualization, storage, management and governance

Become an Insurer of the Future with Organizational Transformation: Leverage analytics champions and evangelists, build a team that combines business intelligence with analytics aptitude and eradicate operational siloes to motivate rapid adoption and organization-wide support for analytics

Focused Departmental Discussions to Give You More Detail: With tracks exploring analytics in each business department, hone in on strategies tailored for underwriting, pricing, marketing, claims, fraud or customer experience, so you walk away with more immediately applicable knowledge

Join insurance visionaries and industry leaders for tools you need for immediate implementation so you walk away with both a toolkit and list of the critical things you must do and prioritize