Risk Management: An Overview

June 24, 2016 | Last updated on September 10, 2024
1 min read

Risk” is defined as “chance of loss”. The “Promise” to respond when an insured has a loss, is what our industry is all about. It is also our responsibility to assist insureds to minimize the risk. Insurance Professionals at all levels should be adept at Risk Management. Come learn a variety of techniques to help manage risk.

Here is what you will learn about during the seminar:

1) Overview of the Risk Management Process Including:
Identifying and Analyzing Property, Income and Liability Exposures
Examining Risk Control Techniques
Examining Risk Financing Techniques
Forecasting Accidental Losses
Reinsurance and Self Insurance

2) Introduction to Risk Financing Plans Including:
Risk Retention Options
Affiliated Insurers
Integrated Risk
Cost Allocation

3) Insurer Broker Selection

4) Sample Client Risk Management Presentation

In today’s complex and unpredictable economy, risk management is a sought-after skill. We can help you improve your understanding of the risks faced by organizations and develop ways to prevent loss.

Facilitated by: Melanie Needham, FCIP, CRM
6 Hours Technical
Price includes food and beverages