Industry Experience A Real Must Have: Assessmed appoints Brigitte Kearney as Director of Quality Assurance & Recruitment

By Canadian Underwriter | December 16, 2015 | Last updated on September 9, 2024
2 min read
Brigitte Kearney|AssessMed
Brigitte Kearney|AssessMed

AssessMed would like to announce the addition of Brigitte Kearney to the senior management team. Brigitte has joined the firm as the Director of Quality Assurance & Recruitment. She has a lengthy and experienced auto insurance claims background. She began her insurance career in 2001 with Royal and Sun Alliance (RSA) as a front line adjuster. Brigitte exceled through the organization taking on the role of Accident Benefits Claims Consultant where she handled complex and catastrophic claims, conducted mediations and arbitrations, mentored junior adjusters, completed vendor audits and provided SABS training to both her peers and junior staff members.

Most recently Brigitte had taken on the role of Claims Support Team Leader at RSA where she managed a team of 24 claims assistants and she spearheaded changes in work processes that resulted in a 30 % increase in operating efficiencies. Brigitte is fully bilingual which will greatly assist AssessMed with operational integration between its corporate head office in Mississauga Ontario and its Quebec division with offices in Montreal and Quebec City. Brigitte has a Commerce Diploma and a Vocational/Rehab Certificate.

Brigitte’s role is vital within the organization says President Donald Kunkel, “the auto insurance industry in Ontario seems to be in even more flux of late with new regulations and guidelines set to come into play in 2016 with regard to Catastrophic Claims (CAT) and the new process for mediations and arbitrations through the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT). Brigitte’s past experience within the current mediation and arbitrations process and her past CAT claim experience will arm AssessMed with the knowledge required to make a smooth transition towards the handling of Insurer’s Examination (IE) requests in 2016 and this will serve all stakeholders well, including AssessMed staff, medical consultants and all accident benefits clientele”.

AssessMed’s Executive Medical Director Dr. Ben Clark adds, “We initiated a strategic plan at the beginning of 2014 to recruit high functioning and experienced insurance industry personnel and this has proven to have paid significant dividends as the company has grown exponentially in two years’ time on a strong national platform.   If we want to continue to grow our business, keep the trust and commitment of our current clients, while securing new clients simultaneously,   it is imperative that we increasingly upgrade our operational talent with those individuals that intimately understand our client’s daily needs”.

AssessMed is Canada’s leading provider of objective Independent Medical Evaluation services. AssessMed hasoffice locations across Canada to meet IME needs throughout the country. Contact us to learn about our suite ofCARF-accredited offerings.

Canadian Underwriter