Crossing the line in the battle against cancer

December 31, 1998 | Last updated on October 1, 2024
2 min read

Insurance broker and vice president of Toronto-based KRG Insurance Group Eileen Greene recently fulfilled a prophesy and raised more than $10,000 in donations for the Women In Insurance Cancer Crusade (WICC).

Her cause was motivated by her mother. Last year Greene’s mother faced surgery to have a cancerous lung removed. Greene recalls from that moment, “she [Greene’s mother] turned to my sister Carmel and said ‘I’ll see you walk down the aisle,’ then she turned to me and said ‘I’m not sure what to say. I have one regret, I’ve never seen you complete a marathon.'”

At age 72, Greene’s mother survived the operation and a series of radiation therapies and is now in remission. On September 26 last year, Carmel Greene was married and her mother was there. Her vision was finally fulfilled in October when she saw Greene cross the finish line at her second marathon, which took place in Niagara Falls. “I hadn’t expected her to be there,” says Greene, “she had been sick all weekend and I didn’t think she’d be able to make it. When I crossed the finish line all I could see were my mother’s eyes.”

Through the event, Greene collected $10,000 in pledges for the WICC. With donations still arriving, including a joint donation by CU and freelance writer Andy Walker, Greene expects to organize more running related fundraising efforts this year. Donations are still being accepted and can be made out to the Canadian Cancer Society and mailed c/o Eileen Greene, KRG Insurance Group, 555 Wilson Ave, North York, Ontario, M3H 5Y6, or email

The $10,000 raised by Greene was combined with other contributors and at a recent Women in Insurance Cancer Crusade breakfast, held at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, a cheque for $30,000 was presented by WICC to the Canadian Cancer Society. The sell-out crowd of 500 heard Mary Vachon, consultant of Psychological Oncology and Palliative Care with Toronto’s Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, discuss how to approach and help friends and family members who are battling cancer. Pictured are WICC co-chairs Linda Matthews (right) and Mabel Sansom (left) receiving a certificate of special recognition from Kathleen Morris (centre) of the Canadian Cancer Society in appreciation of the outstanding efforts WICC has made in raising funds and awareness for breast cancer.

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