Your Business

The three sided E-COIN

Buy-side, inside, and sell-side technology strategies are three systems today's insurers are utilizing to create and maintain their competitive advantage.

By Sean Laughlin, business development manager, E-Business Solution | January 31, 2000

3 min read

News (January 01, 2000)

Tristan Barter, son of Lloyd and Karen Barter of Ron Armstrong Insurance Broker, in Crysler, Ontario, is the recipient of the 1999 Cunningham Lindsey Colin MacKay Memorial Scholarship Award. This annual scholarship is available to students enrolled in first-year studies at a college, university or other school of higher learning, whose parent(s) or guardian is […]

December 31, 1999

1 min read


RIBO announced at its AGM a reduction in broker firm fees for the year ahead, this resulting from a surplus reported for the prior year. The association will also offer an additional $50 reduction to firms and individuals who made early payment by the end of August this year. cu

November 30, 1999

1 min read

News (November 01, 1999)

Consumers need better information when they buy insurance, provincial and territorial insurance regulators agree. “Consumers should get plain-language ‘disclosure’ documents when they buy life insurance,” the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) agreed at its two-day meeting in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI). “For some people, insurance contracts may be complex or difficult to understand,” […]

October 31, 1999

1 min read