
Down the Pipe

Canadian-based pipeline operators have several projects under regulatory review on both sides of the border, activity that is not without criticism, especially related to the potential for spills. Insurance officials say pipelines are safer than rail transport, but acknowledge that strikes from vehicles and landslides, fines and historical contamination still present risks for carriers that cover pipeline companies.

July 31, 2013

6 min read

No Drive-by Trend

The insurance industry should keep an eye on trends in accident avoidance technology, because the safety features are here to stay.

April 30, 2012

6 min read

Getting rid of distractions by getting rid of the drivers

One way to prevent distracted driving is to take the drivers out of the equation and have the cars drive themselves, as noted in bloggers’ posts on And while this may seem like a technologist’s utopian fantasy, Nevada’s Legislative Commission has already approved testing of autonomous vehicles on the state’s roadways, as noted in […]

By Canadian Underwriter | March 12, 2012

2 min read

Repairs for hybrid vehicles cost more than repairs for non-hybrids

Claims costs are higher for hybrid cars and SUVs than for non-hybrids, according to Mitchell International. In its Quarterly Feature of the Mitchell Industry Trends Report, Mitchell International says hybrids have higher collision claims frequencies and severity than non-hybrids.Overall, hybrids have a 6.5% higher average claim severity than gas powered vehicles, Greg Horn writes. The […]

By Canadian Underwriter | August 9, 2010

1 min read