If the exterior of a building is a reflection of what lies within, then the independent adjusting firm of Angell, Townson & Williams (AT&W) chose their home wisely. Located within a heritage post office in Aurora, Ontario, the 18-year-old company is a reminder of the grand old days of small businesses. AT&W was formed in […]
By Andrea Orazi | April 1, 2007
5 min read
Insurance defence lawyers indicate the law is currently in a state of flux when it comes to claims trends
By David Gambrill | April 1, 2007
6 min read
New Brunswick judge releases straightforward decision for keeping auto injury claim under $2,500.
By Vanessa Mariga | April 1, 2007
Jay Perry, the chair of CCIF's national accreditation committee, sits down with Claims Canada to discuss the progress of national collision repair centre accreditation.
By Andrea Orazigambrill | April 1, 2007
The Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled definitively that 'intent' has no bearing on criminal act exclusion clauses
By Nicole N. Vaz | April 1, 2007
Yes, says FSCO. But insurers hope for successful appeals against two recent FSCO arbitration decisions in slip-and-fall cases
By Donna Ford | April 1, 2007
4 min read
A Series of Articles Provided by the Insurance Institute of Canada. Loss adjusters must develop and use many skills, including communication skills. Every aspect of the claims process depends on good communication. When a loss is reported, the initial response must be to acknowledge the insured’s feelings. Being empathetic at a time when stress is […]
April 1, 2007
More than 150 exhibits from across Canada showcased the latest services and products for the claims industry at the Ontario Insurance Adjusters Association (OIAA) Claims 2007 Conference and Exhibition held Feb. 7, 2007 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The extremely popular event for Insurance Claims Professionals provided a full day of education, enrichment and […]
1 min read
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Claims Canada magazine! In this issue, and in many more to come, we plan to provide perspective and bring insight to many of the issues facing the loss adjusting profession in Canada. And we hope to put a renewed brand on the official publication of the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ […]
By Paul Aquino, Publisher | April 1, 2007
3 min read
B.C.’s stormy winter of 2007 is expected to result in more than 17,000 claims, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). In total, IBC said the province’s insurers “expect to pay more than Cdn$135 million to help British Columbians recover from the storms that struck earlier this winter.” That will make it the largest […]
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