
New chief agent for Canada’s top liability and aircraft insurer

Lisa Duval is the new attorney in fact and chief agent for Lloyd’s Canada, the nation’s fourth-largest property and casualty insurer when measured by premiums. Sean Murphy was chief agent in Canada from September, 2012 until last month. “Taking a knee on the sidelines to catch my breath and focus attention on my children,” Murphy […]

By Greg Meckbach | November 22, 2019

3 min read

Which way is winter tire usage trending in Canada?

Canadians are getting the message when it comes to the importance of driving with winter tires, a new study has found. But Insurance Bureau of Canada warned that more than just strapping them to your car is enough to ensure safer roads. Nearly seven in 10 (69%) Canadian drivers outside of Quebec are now riding […]

By Adam Malik | November 21, 2019

3 min read

How customer experience became paramount – and how it will further change

Perhaps the biggest trend one property claims expert has seen in recent years throughout the insurance industry is the focus on enhancing the customer experience. And using technology is going to be what can help one company differentiate itself from the rest. No one working in insurance can even contemplate not putting the customer at […]

By Adam Malik | November 21, 2019

3 min read

Will hard market conditions persist beyond the end of next year?

With insurers’ returns on equity lower than normal, it’s anyone’s guess how much longer your clients are going to see price increases. “Through 2020 we will see rate increases,” said Jim Auden, Chicago-based managing director of North American Insurance at Fitch Ratings, in an interview on Thursday. How long price increases continue depends on whether […]

By Greg Meckbach | November 21, 2019

2 min read