
Google CEO calls for regulation of artificial intelligence

LONDON – Google’s chief executive called Monday for a balanced approach to regulating artificial intelligence, telling a European audience that the technology brings benefits but also “negative consequences.” Sundar Pichai’s comments come as lawmakers and governments seriously consider putting limits on how artificial intelligence is used. “There is no question in my mind that artificial […]

By Jason Contant | January 20, 2020

2 min read

An MGA can land in “big trouble” if it fails to do this

Technology could make it easier to start up new managing general agents – which is good news for some and bad news for others, panelists suggested during a recent webinar. “If you [as an MGA] are sitting there thinking, ‘Oh I do this through my 30 years of expertise and the relationships I have built […]

By Greg Meckbach | January 17, 2020

2 min read

Why you should be prepared to accept PayPal

As society becomes more accustomed to paying its bills using modern electronic methods, how should brokers respond? “For the new consumer, they are so used to paying in many many different ways. We should be allowing customers to engage on their terms. Not on our terms,” said Danish Yusuf, co-founder and CEO of commercial brokerage […]

By Greg Meckbach | January 13, 2020

2 min read

Executive Outlook 2020 | Louis Gagnon, Intact

Louis Gagnon, President, Canadian Operations, Intact Financial Corporation I see two very important issues for insurance in 2020 — climate change and our ability to adapt; and cyber risk and the increasing need for protection. These challenges create an environment in which brokers and insurers can help customers become more resilient in the face of […]

December 30, 2019

2 min read